The European forum for Ayurveda and Yoga

We have been active in Ayurveda and Yoga since before it became the buzz word.

The European forum for Ayurveda and Yoga started at Rotterdam in 1995.

A powerful lone march to get Ayurveda recognised as a system of medicine.

Was at the behest of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, a friend and Mentor of Dr Virje.

Since '95 Dr Virje has done in Europe what his great grandfather did in India.

House for Vaidyas and Yogis to share and disseminate knowledge and wisdom.

During these years, Virje has organised numerous conferences and Discourses.

The highlight was Vedic Symposium at Hogeschool Rotterdam in the year 2003.

Virje's efforts has got a lot of organisations and governments working together.

The world now has a World Yoga day! Ayurveda has a lot of staunch followers.

Recent success-

Many Insurance companies in The Netherlands reimburse Ayurvedic treatment.

Ayurveda products are registered as medicine also in many European countries.

How EFFAY was born and why.... This selfless service.

Dr Virje is fortunate to have been born into a well endowed family having ample resources, a philosophy of spreading goodness and sharing.
Virje grew up imbibing a traditional Vedic lifestyle with a emphasis on Ayurveda and Yoga, alongwith upholding vedic traditions and culture.
Virje first ventured out of India in 1975, was like an Ambassador for Vedas, he propogated Vedic wisdom as well as it's philosophy and cures.
Virje met Maharashi Mahesh Yogi ji again in The Netherlands first during 1984 and always therafter. Yogiji wanted to start trading in Ayurveda.
Yogi ji was introduced to Ayurveda by Virje's grandfatther, he then enthused Virje to work for the recognition of Ayurveda as a medical system.
Fully organised activity started in India in 1985 when Virje started a charitable hospital called Jeevan Jyoti, there Ayurveda was also practiced.
Activity started in Europe, Rotterdam, The Netherlands in 1994, in Stichting CSKCS, European Forum for Ayurveda and Yoga 'EFFAY' was born.
Virje, single handed started walking the corridors of power that matter - New Delhi, Den Haag and later Brussels, and got multiple files started.
Got the Ayurvedic community together, organised many meetings, conferences, and the big symposium on Vedic Sciences in 2003 at Rotterdam.
Result of those lone small steps is now a giant global wave which is visible all over the World, Then unknown, Ayurveda today is well respected

How EFFAY was born and why....this selfless service

About Dr Virje Bahai Khosla MD ( am )

Virje is born into a family where Ayurveda and Yoga were promoted.
Virje's Grandfather was a well known practicing Vaidyaraja and Guru.
They had a special house for Vaidya's coming from out station to stay.
A place for sharing information and experiences also practice together.
A friend and regular visitor was Mahesh Yogi later known as Maharashi.

Virje is introduced to this world as a toddler by observing grandfather.
Virje is trained by Prof, Vaidya P K Majumdar a 10th Generation Vaidya.
Translating original Ayurveda textbooks into English, thus deep learning.
These books were used by universities for training the Ayurveda doctors.

Later, Virje also did a MD in Alternative medicine from Calcutta University.
Virje has more than 37 years and over 60,000 hours of active work practice.


We live in a World where wisdom is taken by plagiarism.

EFFAY is required to safeguard our wisdom and heritage.


Yoga has become a stretching and relaxation workout and is found to be useful

Pranayam is called cardiac coherent breathing and now has all medical approval.

Meditation is now called mindfulness and is used by psychologists, changing lives

Upvaas, has a new name, intermittent fasting and used to keep weight in control

Ayurveda knowledge and medicine are prescribed as herbal medicine and lifestyle.

Ayurvedic skin repair surgery is called reconstructive and plastic surgery.

Irony is that pure Ayurveda and Yoga are branded superstitious and tagged Hindu!